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6 Ewe Circular Lamb Adopter

£686.29 (exc. VAT)
£823.55 (inc. VAT)
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Lamb Adoption Crate

Built with 100% recycled agricultural plastic the Solway Circle Lamb Adopter, which holds up to six ewes and lambs in secure, draft free comfort, proved highly cost effective during on farm trials. Feedback from the lamb adopter purchasers continues to be excellent.

The video below shows the easy access version of the Circular Lamb Adopter. However, assembly is almost the same minus a few parts. The easy access bay can be added at any time in the future if you wish to modify your adopter.

The 6 Bay Cricular Adopter has a diameter of 116" (2.95m).

Ewes and lambs are easily seen in this extremely easy to build, dismantle and keep clean adopter.

Supplied with bucket holders and buckets the Solway Circle Adopter improves survival rates for weak lambs by having a safe area to either side of each ewe and optional holders for heat lamps.

The circular lamb adopter has the specific advantage of allowing fostering lambs to different ewes as the Ewe’s may be contained safely and comfortably at the outside of the adopter pens.

The recycled plastic circular lamb adopter has the added benefits of low maintenance it will not require weather treatment, non absorbent is highly hygienic which reduces any risk of infection or disease with your lambs. The recycled plastic is extremely strong and will withstand biting from a lamb.

Please note: the latest 6 Bay Adopter model does not have metal supports as shown in picture above