Calf Pens in a Row
Solway Indoor Calf Pens
£122.08 (inc. VAT)
Solway Recycling have designed and built these Calf Rearing Pens to the highest technical grade. The finish is unique made with 100% recycled plastic they can be aligned in any number to fit your space requirements. The material of Solway Recyclings' Indoor Calf Pens is extremely strong and will withstand the treatment of your cattle. Our Calf Pen dimensions are 1400cm L x 900cm W x 1000cm H. There is a wide range of accessories available for our calf pens to suit all almost any need. To purchase or look at the solway calf pens in more detail click on the calf pen link or picture below. We've recently lauched a Calf Warming Box which will help with sickly calves struggling in the cold. You will receive substantial discount for buying pens in bulk the cost per pen will drop as low as £101.73 ex VAT and delivered to your farm when buying a row of 10. Use the drop down menu on the next page to calculate the cost of the number of Calf Pens that you require.
Solway Indoor Calf Pens
Non absorbent easy clean very hygienic
Maximized shed space with our Calf Rearing Pens
Curly Pins