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Covered Hay Saver Midi - SheepCovered Hay Saver Midi - SheepCovered Haysaver Midi - SheepCovered Horse Feeder Hay Saver Midi - Horse

Hay Saver Midi

Covered Hay Feeder For Field Feeding
£268.49 (exc. VAT)
£322.19 (inc. VAT)
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Covered Hay Feeder

The Solway Midi Haysaver is a larger version of the popular Solway Hay saver. This Covered Hay Feeder like the smaller version it is designed to keep hay dry save waste and ulitmately money.

Features and Benefits

  • Made from 100% recycled plastic it won't rot when out in the elements.
  • If your animal decides to chew the haysaver it will put up with a lot more punishment compared to wooden feeders.
  • The haysaver midi is easily cleaned and non-porous so will not harbour any beasties or disease.
  • It is easily moved but also comes with a hollow bottom which can be filled with sand, gravel, soil etc. to help keep the feeder firmly on the ground.

The dimensions of the haysaver are as follows:

  • Lid Diameter - 840mm
  • Base Diameter - 760mm
  • Base Diameter (including lugs) - 840mm
  • Height - 960mm
  • Balast Base Depth - 25mm
  • Feed Hole Height - 320mm
  • Feed Hole width - 290mm
  • The Haysaver has 3 feeder holes.

All dimensions are external and approximate.