Standard Eco Hen House
For 6 Larger Hens like Rhode Island Reds or Leghorns or 8 Smaller Bantams
£480.10 (inc. VAT)
The largest Ark in the Solway Range will house 10 hens easily. The Solway Eco Arks come fully assembled with a solid flooring, so all you'll have to do is clip your roomy 4ft fully fox proof galvanised run into place.
100% manufactured in the UK with plastic recycled from farms in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales this product is a tribute to the current wave of environmentalism. It's longer lasting than wooden alternatives and will save you money as well as reduce your carbon footprint.
Your Eco Ark will be despatched fully built and ready for use. It is portable and won't need planning permission unlike some larger wooden alternatives. This is the premier Hen Ark on the market today owned by hundreds of smallholders round the country.
The Ark is a roomy 5ft by 4ft and suitable to comfortably house 10 hens. The large opening door allows you to feed your birds within the run it is easily shut and gives enough space to clean debris from the run. Easy open so you can open the run as much as you want when changing feeder bowls.
The Solway Ark is virtually indestructible and will not be damaged by pecking or scrapping from your birds. It is rot proof and will not require weather treatment. Optional extras are the choice of any one of four colours.
Internally there are 2 nesting boxes and perches allowing your birds additional comfort. There is a sliding door on the front of your Ark and run allowing you to release the birds into the run without touching the run. The rear of your Ark has a large lockable door giving easy access to the nesting boxes.
Eco Hen Ark: 1220mm Long X 1520mm Wide X 990mm High
Deluxe Run: 1220mm Long X 1400mm Wide X 865mm High