Deluxe Sheep Pens in a Row (Side by Side)
As low as £121.72 per pen when you order 20 pens in one row
£146.06 (inc. VAT)
At Solway Recycling we have everything you need for your lambing Season. This includes 3 different sizes of lambing pens, lamb adopters, feeders and we even have our Award winning lamb warming box to protect your newborns
As low as £121.72 per pen when you order 20 pens in one row
From £209.20 per pair when you order 10 pairs of pens
From £109.75 per pen when you order 20 sheep pens
Intermediate Sheep Pens Back To Back From £191.84 per pair when you order 20 sheep pens
Standard Solway Sheep Handling Pens in A Row
Standard Solway Sheep Handling Pens Back to Back
Deluxe Outdoor Sheep Pens
Intermediate Outdoor Sheep Pens
Deluxe Outdoor Sheep Pens - Full Roof
Intermediate Outdoor Sheep Pens Full Roof
Outdoor Sheep Pen Floor
Hay Racks for Solway Sheep Pens
Inner Lamp Protector Panel + Bracket
Anti Move Pad To Compliment Sheep Pen Lamb Adopter Front
The Lamb Warming Box provides a constant flow of warm air to heat up lambs suffering from Hypothermia
Solway Lamb Adopter
Stops Lambs Escaping from Adopter
Outdoor Sheep Pen Floor
Designed to fit hurdles and Solway pens (Pack of 7 Hay Racks)
3 Ewe Lamb Adopter
6 Ewe Circular Adopter With Easy Feed Access
Standalone Lamb Adopter Front
Solway Lamb Adopter
The Lamb Warming Box provides a constant flow of warm air to heat up lambs suffering from Hypothermia
New Smaller 2 Compartment Design Lamb Warming Box
Robust, Durable, Maintenance Free Field Shelter for Lambs
Lamb Creep Feeder 5ft x 4ft
The Lamb Warming Box provides a constant flow of warm air to heat up lambs suffering from Hypothermia
Conserve Very Expensive Forage
Lamb Creep Feeder 5ft x 4ft
Hay Saver
Covered Hay Feeder For Field Feeding
Covered Mineral Feeder
Big Bale Feeding, Less Waste and Expense
Big Bale Feeding, Less Waste and Expense
Conserve Very Expensive Forage