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recycled plastic lamb field shelterrecycled plastic lamb field shelter

Standard Animal Ark 5ft by 4ft

Robust, weatherproof and easy to clean.
£414.33 (exc. VAT)
£497.20 (inc. VAT)
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Plastic Animal Ark

Solway Recyclings' standard animal ark is made from one hundred percent recycled plastic materials this enables it to be extremely durable and able to weather all seasons. Next boxes can be added to make our popular Chicken Ark and bespoke options can be added for the keepers of less common animals.

The recycled plastic is extremely strong and therefore our animal arks are suitable for housing a range of animals, they are scratch proof kick proof and will not require treatment unlike traditional wooden products.

The recycled plastic material in our animal arks is simple to clean and will not be penetrated by parasites or bacteria making it longer lasting and a healthy environment for your animals to live in.

The standard dimensions of the animal ark are length 1220mm, width 1550mm, height 990mm or length 4ft, width 5ft 2in, height 3ft 3in. Roomy enough for larger animals like pigs.

Our animal arks have been used to house goats, dogs and even cats, they can fit almost any need that you have they can be built with additional extension runs to the front so your animals can be enclosed to keep them from unwanted attention from outside or escaping.